Yellow diarrhea in puppies: causes, treatment


On what pathology can indicate yellow diarrhea in the puppy? When you need to run to the vet and how dangerous this kind of diarrhea is. Let’s figure out how to determine the reasons for the development of diarrhea and what treatment can be used.

Yellow diarrhea in the puppy, as a variant of the norm

The first days after the birth of the puppy feed exclusively colostrum. In the first month of life, the puppy’s diet consists only of milk. During this period, a chair of yellow color and soft consistency is the norm.

In normal microflora in a newborn puppy, the colostrum is digested for several hours. Usually, the mother licks the puppies, and the owner does not know what color they have stool. However, if one of the pups has lagged behind in growth or weakened, the dog does not have enough milk, or there are other circumstances for introducing supplementary foods, the owner may become confused.

Age of birth to a month, diarrhea in puppies is considered bowel evacuation more than 6 times a day. Diarrhea is also diagnosed if the stools become watery or overtly fluid. Normally, the feces of a monthly puppy have a distinct yellow color and a viscous consistency.

Diarrhea in puppies from birth to a month can occur for three main reasons: dysbacteriosis, overeating or allergies. Dysbacteriosis very often develops in puppies that are on artificial feeding or have not received colostrum.

The causes of yellow diarrhea in a puppy and the possible consequences

Diarrhea of yellow color in a puppy can be a symptom of a chronic disease. The spectrum of which varies greatly, starting from viral infections, ending with an imbalance in the diet. Yellow staining of stool gives a substance that is contained in bile and is called bilirubin.

Bile is secreted into the intestinal cavity for digestion and fermentation of food. Initially, bile is injected into the upper part of the intestine, and moving towards the anal opening darkens. Normally, the fecal masses of the adult dog are colored brown, indicating normal pigmentation and digestion. If digestive disorders occur, stool masses may become yellow or green. In both cases, the fermentation of bilirubin is not correct.

Note! Diarrhea is a symptom that indicates that digestion is too fast. Diarrhea occurs against the background of the hyperactive work of the mucous membranes and increased secretion of mucus in the intestinal cavity.

With the classical development of diarrhea, food begins to move ahead of the intestines faster than laid. The bile does not have time to properly ferment and the stools at the outlet are colored yellow.

Important! Yellow diarrhea can indicate a very anxious condition. With renal insufficiency, the dogs begin jaundice, in which the fecal masses are painted in a bright yellow, saturated color.

More rapid movement of food through the intestines is promoted by saturated fats, which enter the puppy’s body with regular use of natural oil, fatty cottage cheese or sour cream. A large amount of fats can be contained in meat. Meat by-products are very useful for the health of both puppies and adult dogs, but before they are cooked, they must be thoroughly cleaned from fat.

Due to breeding, some breeds of dogs have a sensitive digestive system. Most often this refers to decorative and miniature dogs that are prone to allergies and are very selective in nutrition. If you decide to get a pet whose pedigree affiliation assumes health risks, you need to prepare in advance for some difficulties.

Note! Experienced breeders recommend not to experiment with the diet of dogs, the digestive system of which is extremely sensitive. Such pets from birth and through life are fed high-quality industrial feeds in the form of pâtés or “slices”.

With a congenital or acquired food allergy, the dog can regularly suffer from diarrhea. The color of stools can vary from yellow to green. Usually, with intolerance to certain foods, the intestinal mucosa reacts with strong irritation.

However, there are exceptions, up to a slowing down of intestinal motility. In this case, food does not leave the body quickly, but lingers in it. With stagnation of digestion, food is not digested, but roams or rot, which gives the calves masses a green color.

Pathological causes of yellow diarrhea in puppies

In a global sense, regardless of age, pedigree and dog size, yellow diarrhea can indicate a pathology, which we will consider below.

To the development of jaundice can lead any disease of the liver, gallbladder or its ducts. Pups with chronic liver pathologies are rarely seen, but they can be congenital or hereditary. From an early age in puppies with hepatic insufficiency, there is a lag in development and weight gain. After moving to a new home, the symptomatology may not manifest until severe stress or an error in making up the diet.

The development of liver failure can “start” and anesthesia, which is used for castration and sterilization. To avoid complications during surgery, doctors recommend giving blood for general and biochemical analysis. If bilirubin is elevated or lowered, the dog clearly has abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Further diagnostics should be entrusted to professionals, since the treatment of hepatic insufficiency has a wide range of side effects.

At the initial stages of development of parvovirus enteritis, the puppy begins strong diarrhea, which has a yellow color. This condition lasts no more than a day (you should be alerted by the frequency of bowel movements). From the time infecting enteritis to the manifestation of clinical signs can take 3 to 7 days. Usually, during the first day in the puppy there is a constant diarrhea, lethargy and an obvious increase in temperature.

Further, within 2-10 hours, the acute stage of the disease begins, when the puppy develops a very strong weakness, the color of the feces changes to green or crimson. At a critical stage, especially if the puppy is not given timely help, scarlet blood is released from the anus. It is important to understand that when parvovirus enteritis is infected, the mucous membranes of the intestine completely disintegrate within a few days. Without timely treatment, the dog dies.

Yellow diarrhea, which is repeated for some time, may indicate a helminthic invasion. As a rule, dogs are prevented from using worms two weeks before the first vaccination. However, if you picked up a baby on the street, it is guaranteed to be infected with worms and the degree of invasion is unknown.

Important! In order not to damage the health of the puppy, it is better to consult a veterinarian about the expediency of holding a vermin exercise at the moment.

If the puppy is depleted or the invasion has reached a critical level, the veterinarian will prescribe supportive therapy that will last 3-5 days. The purpose of therapy is to ensure that the baby’s body has time to get stronger and coped with toxins that are contained in anthelmintic drugs.

To eliminate helminthic invasion, puppies use gentle means, which do not kill, but paralyze worms. It is important to show foresight and give the puppy adsorptive means 2-3 hours after taking the antihelminthic drug. If you do not observe defecation within an hour after taking the sorbents, it is better to apply a laxative.

Pancreatitis is a very dangerous disease, but not by its course, but by its consequences. In small puppies, pancreatitis is extremely rare and is most often the result of aggressive treatment of some pathology. Refer only to proven specialists.


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