Diarrhea in newborn puppies: causes, treatment


Diarrhea in newborn puppies is not only an unpleasant phenomenon, but also a dangerous one. What to do in order to protect children from dehydration and what causes can cause an illness at such an early age, we will understand below.

How to identify diarrhea in a fancy puppy

Liquid feces of yellow color for newborn puppies are considered the norm. Changes in digestion processes of food assimilation will occur after the introduction of complementary foods.

Diarrhea in a newborn puppy can be considered too frequent or profuse defecation with a distinct foreign odor or foam. When breastfeeding, that is, while the dog feeds the cubs exclusively milk, feces should have a neutral smell. Normally, the mother licks the puppies so that they always remain clean and do not attract attention with their smell. When puppies suffer from diarrhea, the frequency of bowel movement increases, but this is not always noticeable to the wearer.

Note! For timely detection of diseases or other problems in children, they are recommended to be weighed regularly. Even with a short diarrhea, the puppy will quickly lose weight, because along with the calves the body will quickly lose water.

If the puppies are much more likely to detect diarrhea in some of them in the wake tracks. Wool in the region of the anus can be stuck together. A fairly obvious sign of diarrhea is an extraneous smell, which remains even after the dog has licked the puppies. You may notice that the foreign odor comes from the dog itself. It is important not to confuse the symptoms of the mother and the consequence of the disease of the puppies.

For reinsurance, the dog needs to be inspected, special attention should be paid to the ears, oral cavity and mucous membranes. If the python continues to eat normally and go to the toilet, you need to establish supervision over the puppies. The problem is that newborn puppies quickly dehydrate and their condition can become critical literally in 3-4 hours (depending on the intensity of diarrhea).

Additional symptoms include weakness and lack of appetite in children. If you notice that one or more puppies do not suck mother, they need to be planted in a separate nest with a warmer and monitored.

Important! Do not forget to do puppies massage of the stomach, because without stimulation of the intestines, children often can not go to the toilet.

The causes of diarrhea in newborn puppies

Newborn puppies rarely suffer from diarrhea if their diet consists solely of the mother’s milk. Allergy to breast milk is also a rare pathology, which should only be diagnosed by a veterinarian. If the puppies are on artificial feeding, the development of an allergy is more likely.

The problem is that the first symptoms of allergies are invisible, when it comes to newborn puppies.

In order to prevent any diseases and development problems, puppies should be inspected daily and regularly weighed. During the examination, special attention should be given to the condition of mucous membranes and exposed skin areas. Usually, when an allergic reaction occurs itching, but because the puppies can not scratch their skin looks a little reddened. Swelling of the mucous membranes, increased separation of tears and saliva can also indicate an allergy.

Allergic reaction to artificial milk is associated with individual intolerance, that is, it can only be observed in some puppies from litter. Treatment of allergies in newborn puppies is inappropriate, because the health risks exceed the likely positive effect. Puppies of allergy sufferers are transferred to another type of food, for example, milk powder of another brand, baby formula for babies or goat’s milk, diluted with boiled water.

Diarrhea can be a reaction to supplementation. This situation is common, if the dog has too many puppies and can not feed them themselves, the breeder has no choice but to start feeding the puppies of the substitute of dried milk.

Immediately after birth, the pups feed on the colostrum of the mother, which is saturated with beneficial bacteria. Colostrum “transports” a useful microflora into the intestine of a newborn puppy, after which it adapts to the digestion of a certain type of food.

If, however, the puppy has to digest the substitute for bovine milk, in the first stage, as long as the intestine adapts to the new food, diarrhea can be a natural reaction. It is necessary to make sure that the diarrhea is not prolonged and does not lead to dehydration. In the rest, this phenomenon is considered the norm.

The next common cause is overeating. If 2-3 puppies were born in the litter, and the dog has enough milk, the kids can overeat. Excessive consumption of food leads to the fact that the part is not digested, but rot. Experiencing increased stress, the intestine begins to be protected in the only available way – by releasing additional mucus.

Note! Green diarrhea in newborn puppies indicates intoxication and rotting process, which can be caused by viral pathologies or parasitic invasion. In any case, intoxication is deadly for a newborn puppy! Do not hesitate to contact your doctor!

Help newborn puppies

Theoretical and even practical experience of treatment and maintenance of adult dogs is of little use when it comes to the disease of a newborn puppy. The smaller the puppy, the more intensive the disease develops. What should I do first? At the slightest suspicion of impairment of health, the puppy should be isolated from the rest of the litter, kept warm and observed.

About independent treatment and diagnostics can not go and speech, if the defecation is repeated more often than 2-3 times per hour, has a green color or a distinct putrefactive smell.

If the feces of the puppy remain yellow and neutral by smell, but become lighter or stand out with a small amount of foam, you can try to provide first aid. It is important to understand that independent treatment leads to a loss of time, which is priceless when infected with viral pathologies.

Independent assistance can and should be provided to the puppy, if you expect the arrival of a veterinarian or a visit to a veterinary clinic is postponed for valid reasons.

Important! For newborn puppies, you need to select drugs that do not have side effects and contraindications. These drugs include Smecta, Enterosgel and activated charcoal (in a small dosage).


  1. I have a new born puppy ….the mother died while giving birth and rest of the puppies….at first I didn’t know what to do so I give the puppy condensed milk and now it’s acting weak so I give her water sugar and warm her up…I really wish we could make it because we have no vet here on our island and also puppy formula…I am an animal lover….please help out whoever read this


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